Looking for a way on how to install Windows 10 without USB or DVD drive? The good news is, it's possible. You can do that too! In this article, I'm going to share the same thing you're looking for so long.
​Few days back Microsoft started pushing Windows 10 update for those users who have reserved their free copy of Windows 10. Till today, lots of users have already upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 via Windows update. Now these users may be wondering to perform the clean install of Windows 10.
​2. You need to make the backup of all your personal data and file on the Windows 10 PC where you want to perform the clean install, as this process will remove all your personal data. So it's always good to create the backup of everything using any good software.
​5. Now you need to double-click on the setup file to run the setup.
​If you select Download and install update option, the setup will look for updates available over web and download, then if available.
​8. At this point, setup will again start looking for available updates and download them.
​In case, if you want to keep your data, then you need to click on "Change What you keep" link.

​Few days back Microsoft started pushing Windows 10 update for those users who have reserved their free copy of Windows 10. Till today, lots of users have already upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 via Windows update. Now these users may be wondering to perform the clean install of Windows 10.
After the release of Windows 10, Microsoft has already released Windows 10 Media Creation Tool using which user can download Windows 10 ISO image directly from Microsoft server. The good thing about this tool is that it also help users to clean install Windows 10 after upgrading to Windows 10.
With the help of this amazing Windows update alternative tool, you can easily create bootable DVD or USB of Windows 10. In case, you don't want to use DVD or USB drive to clean install Windows 10. It's also possible.
Clean installing Windows 10 using ISO file is not much different from clean installing Windows 10 from DVD or USB. The only difference is when you clean install Windows 10 without USB or DVD there is no need to create a bootable media
What about the Windows 10 Product key? Actually, you don't need it. Once you have successfully upgraded your PC from Windows 7/8.1 to Windows 10 and activated it successfully. You can clean install your system using any of the methods. Now your PC will automatically get activated as you've already installed the same edition of Windows 10 which was already activated using free upgrade offer by Microsoft.
Lots of Windows 10 users reporting over Microsoft support forums, that they are not able to activate their Windows 10 installation after doing a clean install. So it's not a good idea to clean install Windows 10 at this, till Microsoft official make any comment on this issue.
Before you start reading the tutorial, you might love to read about some free software to create bootable USB Drive. I have already shared an article on how to create bootable Windows 10 USB drive. You can also read about
Things to Keep in Mind:
If you're using this guide, use it as your own risk
Make sure to create backup of all your important data before you clean install Windows 10
This method does not require USB or DISK (i.e. CD or DVD).
You may use other programs that mount the disk for installing Windows.
Warning: Its highly recommended to move all your C drive data to external drive before you start following the tutorial on how to clean install Windows 10. All the data which is available on your System, which is normally C: Drive will be deleted while formatting your drive during the clean install.
1. Download the Windows 10 ISO image. You can follow the steps mentioned in my previous article i.e. how to download the windows 10 iso free full version from Microsoft.

​2. You need to make the backup of all your personal data and file on the Windows 10 PC where you want to perform the clean install, as this process will remove all your personal data. So it's always good to create the backup of everything using any good software.
3. Once you are done with creating a backup, you need to make Right click on the Windows ISO image file. Now click on Mount option in the context menu to mount the Windows 10 ISO image.

4. Navigate to "This PC" and then open newly mounted drive (contain Windows 10 installation files) by right-clicking on the drive, and then click "Open in new window"

​5. Now you need to double-click on the setup file to run the setup.
6. When you see the screen shown in the following screen, select the first option named as "Download and install updates (recommended)". You can also select "Not right now" option, as you can install updates after clean installing Windows 10.

​If you select Download and install update option, the setup will look for updates available over web and download, then if available.
7. The next screen will see user agreement screen where you need to click on "Accept" button to accept all the license terms to install and use Windows 10.

​8. At this point, setup will again start looking for available updates and download them.
9. Once setup is done with everything. You will see "Ready" to install screen.
10. In this screen, you need to choose Keep nothing, if you want to perform a clean install Windows 10 by removing all install programs and data.

​In case, if you want to keep your data, then you need to click on "Change What you keep" link.
11. Now click on Install button to begin the Windows 10 installation.
Note: The installation screen show you upgrading, it actually means clean installing.
So here my tutorial about how to install Windows 10 without USB or DVD drive. Try this guide and let me know whether this guide was helpful or not.
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