
Our Favorite Free SEO Tools for 2017

​What's better than an amazing SEO tool? An amazing SEO tool that's free.

If your 2017 New Year Resolution is to work smarter, not harder, then this article is for you. I've comprised a list of the best free SEO tools that we use almost everyday. And while it is nice to have a large arsenal of tools at your side, it will be even more useful if you know how to wield them to their full potential. That is why I've included some additional links and tips to help you get started.

So lets get this show on the road!

1. Google Analytics


Chances are if you are reading this blog, you have used or at least looked at Google Analytics before, so it should come as no surprise that this made it to the top of our list.

The most valuable SEO data is that which helps you better understand your visitors and how they interact with your site. No tool quite delivers that data like Google Analytics, and none of the previous tools mentioned does a better job providing data that helps you understand the number that matters most – the bottom line.

This makes Google Analytics our all time favorite, and there are ton of resources from Google to get you started becoming a Google Analytics master:

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